3701 S.W. 104th Street * Seattle, WA  98146

Phone (206) 933-5350 / Fax (206) 933-5351

Parent Bulletin

October 4, 2001



Dear Parents/Guardians,


Does your child spend an endless amount of time doing homework?  If the answer is yes, do a homework inventory to determine his or her homework style.


For years, the research on learning styles has been used to determine how students process information.  It is time to apply this information to homework and study time.


To determine the most effective way for your child to do homework, answer the following questions:


1.                  In which room does your child do homework?  In the kitchen, bedroom, dining room, family room, etc.?  The physical surroundings might make the difference.

2.                  What time of day is homework done?  Before dinner, after dinner, immediately after school?  The appropriate time of day in conjunction with other activities may be the key to a successful homework process.

3.                  What are the distractions?  Television, stereos, telephone, siblings, pets, the computer (when used for things other than school work)?  Some children do well with soft background noise.  Others need absolute silence.

4.                  Where in the room is homework done?  A table, desk, bed, on the floor?  The straight back chair and desk is good for some, getting too relaxed can be detrimental although there are those who benefit from more comfortable physical positions.

5.                  How many breaks are taken?  Some children take breaks when “the going gets tough.”  Sometimes that can amount to every five minutes.  Use a timer for breaks or suggest a break only after completing each subject area assignment.  Limit break time to bathroom trips and snack breaks.

6.                  Is food consumed during the process of completing homework?  For some children, food is a distraction.  For others, having small snacks and something to drink during homework is an incentive.


Based on your answers, help your child develop a “homework style.”  Help your child make the most of study time.  It may take a little trial and error, but the experimentation will be worth the effort.  The payoff will be fewer notes and calls from teachers about incomplete or missing assignments.  Above all, your child may have better study skills, higher grades and a greater appreciation for academics.



Check out the principal’s bulletin board across from the gym (“What’s Up at Arbor Heights?”).  You just might see a picture of someone you know!  The photos will change so check it our regularly.


In an effort to collect funds to help those victimized by the recent terrorist attack, a collection jar has been placed in the Arbor Heights main office.  Please donate loose change or bills in any denomination.  Any and all amounts will help.  If you are not able to come to the school, feel free to send your child in with the donation.  Thank you in advance for your help.




Carol A. Coram, Ed.D




To all Parents who drive children to school:


It is extremely important that you do not park in the bus-loading zone. 

This will keep the area open and safe during the morning, midday (kindergarten) and afternoon time periods as well as for busses picking up for, and returning from, field trips throughout the day.


If you escort your child to your vehicle use the crosswalk manned by our school safety patrol. Please help to set a good safety example for our students.  Thank you for your attention in this very important matter.