Arbor Heights Elementary School
3701 SW 104th Street
Seattle, WA 98146
Phone (206) 933-5350 Fax (206) 933-5351
Parent Bulletin
December 9, 1999
Dear Parents,
I am pleased to inform you that we have hired a .5 Reading teacher. Glen Boyd will begin on January 3rd, 2000 teaching primary reading groups. Also, I am happy to announce that we believe we have a source of the mildew odor and hopefully will have a mildew-free building upon our return on January 3rd. I want to thank Room 16 for an excellent musical performance last Friday. I also want to congratulate all the Monthly Award winners from November who received their certificates. I would like to replace the hallway furniture upstairs. Those of you who have seen it know why. If anyone has access to two sofas that could be used to replace our existing ones, please let the office know. The Winter Program is next week. It is on Thursday, December 16th. This is a change from the original date on the school calendars given out in September. I will not be able to attend as my family and I made plans before that schedule change. Mr. Wilkie has graciously agreed to stand in for me.
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