Dear Parents,
I want to thank everyone who worked so hard on the Open House. There was
a huge turnout and it was a tremendous success for all who participated.
Second grade students finished the Direct Reading Assessment this week.
Those scores will be available to parents during conferences beginning
November 15th. If you didn't sign up for a conference time please contact
your child's teacher to set a date.
Please be reminded that there is no supervision for students that arrive
before 8:40 a.m. and are not picked up by 3:30. Also, any changes in
after school destinations or procedures should be reported to the office
as soon as possible.
I want to thank parents for continuing to update the office when there are
changes to emergency numbers or any home contacts. Unfortunately,
emergencies happen!
Barry S. Dorsey
Veterans' Day Assembly
We are having our Veteran's Day Assembly on November 10th at 9:45. Chief
Sealth High School's band is scheduled to perform. We would like to honor
Veteran's from the Arbor Heights Community by inviting them to join us at
this assembly to listen to the patriotic music the Band will be
Students Late to School
Please help us! There are an inordinate amount of children arriving late
to school. Each tardy must be documented on the attendance card and in
the Attendance Program that is linked to the Seattle School District
computer system before the child goes to class. In addition to missing
valuable classtime the late arrivals are disruptive to the teacher and the
students that arrive on time. We ask that you work with your children so
they can arrive to school on time each day.
No Pokemon Cards at school
Please be reminded that no Pokemon Cards, trading cards of other sorts,
toys, etc. may be brought to school. If these items are found at school
the first offense will result in confiscation and the parent must come in
to pick them up. The second offense will result in the item not being
returned until the end of the school year. You may refer to the Parent
Handbook if you have any questions regarding policies and procedures at
Arbor Heights.
Visitor/Volunteer Badges
The Seattle School District Security Department provided us with a number
of Volunteer and Visitor badges at the beginning of the school year. We
are very happy to report that nearly everyone remembers to check in to the
office and get a badge to wear while they are here. The students notice
when someone is not wearing a badge and are quick to report it to an adult
in the building. A number of our badges have not been returned to the
office, if you have worn your badge home please send return it to school
or send it to school with your child to hand in to the office. Thank you,
again, for your support.
Upcoming Events
October 29th Book Character Day
November 8th/9th Highly Capable Testing
November 10th Veteran's Day Assembly - 9:45
November 11th Veteran's Day - No School
November 15th - 23rd Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 24th One Hour Early Dismissal
November 25th and 26th Thanksgiving Holiday Break - No School