Reading Challenge
The students at Arbor Heights need to read 2,000 books by next
Wednesday if they want to win my annual Principal Reading Challenge. To
date they have read 701 books. If they meet the goal I will perform a
RAP at our assembly on May 8th. Encourage your kids to read and return
the reading forms.
The Carnival
Our Carnival was a huge success this year. Everyone seemed to have
a wonderful time and it was great to have so many parents and staff
involved in the event. If you donated any of your time - THANK YOU. A
special thanks to Tish Hesse for coordinating the event.
Paige Turner
The Bon Marche', our PIPE partner, is sponsoring a fun reading
contest called Paige Turner. Watch for details in every Saturday edition
of the Seattle Times. Information will be on the "My Words" page.
Carpet Crusade
There are several areas in our school building that need new
carpeting. We do not have funding for the replacement project and we need
your help. We would like to focus on donations of new or "almost like
new" carpet from construction or carpet businesses. If you have a "carpet
connection", please call Debbie Kerns at 937-6709 or Mr. Leatherman at
933-5350. Thank you.
Debbie Kerns
Gatewood Carnival
Gatewood Elementary, a neighboring school located at 4320 S.W.
Myrtle, is having their first annual Carnival on Friday, May 2nd from 6:00
- 9:00 p.m. They want you to know that you are invited.
Carl Leatherman