From the Principal
Weekly notes from Arbor Heights Elementary School
3701 SW 104TH
SEATTLE, WA. 98146
January 28, 1997
No School on Friday
The Seattle Public Schools will be closed on Friday, January 31st. It
is the day between semesters. Report cards for the 2nd quarter of school
will be sent home on Friday, February 7th.
Sex Offender Meeting
Several sex offenders have recently been released from custody into the
southern half of West Seattle. On Thursday, January 30th, at 7:00 p.m. The
Seattle Police Department will hold a community meeting at our school to
provide information to residents of West Seattle. The program will cover a
number of topics designed to help citizens protect themselves and their
children. The program may be inappropriate for children under 12, but we
will have child care available in our gymnasium.
Middle School Orientation
The principals, or their representatives, from Denny, Madison and South
Shore Middle Schools will be here on Wednesday, February 5th, to talk about
their programs. Even if your child is not currently in 5th grade, you may
want to attend to see what the schools have to offer. It should be a very
worthwhile evening for those of you with 5th graders.
Safety Concerns
1. Don't drive your car onto the school grounds when dropping your
child(ren) off in the morning. If you're not parking, you may drop
kids off in the bus zone, but you can't leave your car unattended.
2. Obey the speed limit in front of our school.
3. Use our safety patrols and don't jay-walk.
Thank you.
Requests from the Office
1. If you move or change work locations please provide us with
accurate addresses and phone numbers. In case of an emergency we
want to be able to reach you.
2. Call the school to let us know if your child will be absent. If
you call before 7:30 a.m. our voice mail is available to you.
While I'm on that topic, we need to have a reason for a child's
absence if it is to be excused. If you say your child is "home",
the absence is unexcused. This is a state ruling.
A Science Activity
Have you ever noticed that sometimes raindrops stick to windows and
sometimes they slide down? Why do they act in different ways? For some
clues, try bringing the rain inside with this activity. Tape a piece of
waxed paper to a cookie sheet or a big book. Tilt them to make a very gentle
slope. Place a drop of water at one end of the waxed paper. (An old medicine
dropper or a toothpick works will for making drops.) Does it stick or slide?
Keep adding drops to the first drop until the drop slides. How many drops
can you add? Try different slopes and see if that changes the way the drops
act. For more explorations, try different surfaces for sliding like paper or
plastic wrap, or different liquids like vegetable oil, syrup or liquid soap.
Carl Leatherman
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