From the Principal

Weekly notes from Arbor Heights Elementary School
3701 SW 104TH * Seattle, WA 98146
Phone (206) 281-6230 * Fax (206) 281-6618

Parent Bulletin
March 13, 1997

Science Fair - Big Success
March 13, 1997 PTA Tonight
The March meeting of our PTA will be held this evening at 7:00 p.m. in the lunchroom. In addition to a full agenda of business items, Mrs. Crichton and Mr. Femiano will be speaking on the topic of math instruction in our school. Childcare will be available in the gym for a small fee.

Help for the Homeless
Some of our 5th graders have organized a food, clothing and coin drive to benefit the homeless people in Seattle. If you can share any of the above items, please send them to school with your children. The drive will end on April 11th. Thank you.

Instrumental Spring Concert
Our 4th and 5th grade students who are involved in our instrumental program here at school will play in a large (five school) concert on April 9th. The concert will be held at Leschi Elementary School (135 - 32nd Avenue) at 7:00 p.m.

Budget Meeting
At our last PTA meeting I spoke about something called the Weighted Student Formula - a new way of determining the budget amount for a school in Seattle. I now have our 1997/98 budget figures and they are very close to what we had this year so our school program will remain very much as is. If you would like to see these figures, I will present them at a meeting on Wednesday, March 19th. The meeting will be held in the library at 7:00 p.m.

Free Class at Children's Hospital
James Callner, speaker and producer of the award winning film "The Touching Tree", will present his film and speak on OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) from personal experience. A panel of professionals, including a parent of a child with OCD will assist in answering your questions. The program is recommended for parents, teachers and other professionals working with children with OCD, ADHD and Tourette's Disorder. It will be held Wednesday, March 26, 1997 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Children's Hospital and Medical Center in the Wright Auditorium. Call 526-2226 for details.

Sights and Sounds of Excellence
The second annual concert, "Sights and Sounds of Excellence", will be held on Thursday, April 3rd at 7:30 p.m. in The Opera House. Ticket prices are:

                    Children      $ 4.00
                    Adults        $ 7.00
                    Family        $20.00

The event includes: * elementary All-City Choir * secondary All-City Choir and Concert Band * All-City String Ensemble * Roosevelt Drama * Franklin Drama * Whitman Jazz Band * Roosevelt Orchestra * Bryant Recorder Group * Roxhill Hand Bell Choir * All- City Visual Arts Presentation * the winner of Metro Competition * the M.C. will be John Keister.
Please send a check made payable to Seattle Public Schools for the tickets and I will send them home with your child.

Carl Leatherman

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