March, 1998 VOLUME 7 - ISSUE 5


(Click on a reporter's name and send an email message to his or her teacher!)
Editor: Mr. Ahlness


Inside this Month!

· Classroom News
· Shamrock Maze
· St. Patrick’s Day Word Search
· A Picture to Color

Joe and Laura
Room 24, Grade 5

We are just learning how to multiply fractions. We haven’t done anything different. We are going on a field trip to the Seattle Symphony, only 10 or 12 people. So only fifth graders get to go. We draw names out of a bag to make it fair. It doesn’t really seem fair because, some people don’t want to go, all they want to do is get out of class. In social studies we have been reading about most of the presidents. In English we are doing abbreviations

Makaila and Courtney
Room 18, Grade 2

We made newspapers. We got a new sink. We got a new counter.

Tyler and Cassie
Room 14, Grades 1 & 2

Our class went to the Mercer Slough. We learned about wetlands. It was fun, and we learned about bugs, and we went outside. Our teacher for the Mercer Slough was Bill. We wonder if you want to go to the Mercer Slough?
Why did the Leprechaun scream?
Because he wanted some attention!

Room 4, Kindergarten

We are working on watching the tadpoles grow. Everyone brought a collection to school, and then we put them on a piece of paper with little squares. We have been reading for 20 minutes to get a free book at Arbor Heights.

Lauren and Heather
Room 15, Grades 1&2

We went on a field trip to the Pacific Science Center, Mercer Slough. We studied snails and went on a walk. We put bugs on bug TV, and we saw bugs. We played games. We are studying butterflies, and we made butterflies out of coffee filters. We’re doing the Writing Assessment Test.

Room 3, Kindergarten

We have been working on our journals. We have been learning about frogs and toads. There are three more days until spring. I’ve been counting since 14. We have been working on the letter “k”. We have planted peas in the Kindergarten.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Cuz he was trying to get to the boat on time!

Taylor and Lencho
Room 22, Grade 4

On Friday we went to the play “Pink and Say”. It was really good! After the play we ate at the fountain. Then we went to the city bus stop. We waited for about an hour. The bus finally came, and the bus was really crowded. When the bus dropped us off, the bell had already rung, so the people who rode the bus had to run to catch their bus!

Margo and Lindsay
Room 16, Grades 1,2,&3

We just went to the puppet theater and saw “Thumbelina”. The show was made out of shadow puppets. There were about 40 puppets and only one puppeteer! It was really funny. We are also putting on a musical called “Stone Soup”. We are doing paper mache’ for the pot and the stones, and we are having fun. We hope you can come on March 29th.

Sabrina and Derek
Room 21, Grade 5

Our class is going on a field trip in April. We are going to see a play called “Pink and Say”. I think it is a play about the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812. Our class is also growing plants. We could either have tomatoes, a small sunflower, or a giant sunflower.

Justin K. and Heather
Room 12, Grade 3

We went to the Burke Museum. We saw lots of Indian stuff. We also saw dinosaurs. We saw lots of rocks and minerals. In May we are going to the Pike Place Market. Our class is going to pass out Earth Day bags , and we have to bring the earth bags down to Safeway.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Irish who?
I - rish I had a million dollars!

Moira and Jesse
Grade 1, Room 19

Our class is making Leprechaun stories. We made pussy willows for the first day of spring. Brittany brought a guinea pig for show and tell. Moira’s dad’s birthday just passed, on March 6th.
Why did the Leprechaun cross the road?
It was the turkey’s day off!

Kelsey and Steve
Room 17, Grades 1&2

We went on a field trip on the 6th of March. We are making the “Really Rosie” play, and we are going to invite Ms. Long’s class, and Mr. Femiano’s class, and our parents in March.
Is is hard to spot a leopard?
No. They’re just born that way!

Brian and Antjelina
Room 1, Grade 1

St. Patrick’s Day is fun. Everyone wears green. Spring brings all the pretty flowers out. We are learning about contractions and the days of the week. We are doing math. We went on a field trip to the Pacific Science Center.
What do you call a 5 leaf clover?
Why, five, four brings you good luck.


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