--- TIC-TECH message:
Regarding the Network Admin Users group:
I am in CA at the Classroom Connect conference. I'll post the date of the next meeting as soon as I get back. I've been thinking of changing the description of the group. One reason is that only two people came to the last one. I also feel that the role of the group should be expanded. I want the users group to serve not only network administrators, but school technology coordinators as well. So, beginning at the next meeting the users group I am hosting will begin to address the needs of technology coordinators from the Seattle Schools, in all their forms, from lab teachers and I.A.'s, to Principals, whoever is in the position of being the technology leader in their school.
Let me know if you (anyone) has any thoughts about this.
Neil Rockwell
Tech. Coordinator
Asa Mercer Middle School
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