--- TIC-TECH message:
My kids have been doing a lot of writing on a daily basis on computers
im my third grade classroom this year - and last. Journals, daily oral
language, writing assignments, spelling assignments, etc - each student
is writing on a computer at least once a day in class. Just using Word,
hunt and peck typers. I know, there's a fair amount of controversy over
the appropriate age to start keyboarding. Well, I finally took the
plunge and spent a few hours the last three days installing and
configuring "Type to Learn" (mentioned recently on tic-tech) on 10
computers ($139 for 10 copies)... figuring out how to set up "classes"
without a network version, coming up with a management plan so kids can
have their progress tracked and not have to be at the same computer all
year, etc....aaack...
Anyway, after a couple of short intro sessions today, this seems like a
wonderful program. The kids are clamoring to get back to it (high
school teachers cheer in the background). It appears they are real
motivated because they can actually see a tangible benefit. And well,
it's a pretty fun program. I'm adding my name to the class list
Monday! More later - Mark
Mark Ahlness
Teacher, grade three at:
Arbor Heights Elementary School
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