--- TIC-TECH message:
on 1/25/01 1:19 PM, Trudnowski at trudnow@cks.ssd.k12.wa.us wrote:
> --- TIC-TECH message:
> Hi,
> Can someone help me figure out how to disable the security program called
> "FoolProof" (it's designed to keep the kids off of the teacher's
> desktops)? It is loaded onto a Macintosh LC computer (system 7.1). Is
> there a way to go "around" the password? (If I can ever disable the
> program, I am going to delete it from the hard drive forever!) I do not
> know the original password that was used because this is a computer that
> had been surplused.
> Thanks for any tips on this one!
> Diane @ Maple :)
> trudnow@cks.ssd.k12.wa.us
Try booting from a start up disk then remove FP from the extension folder,
control panal folder, and preference folder,(all in the system folder). This
may or may not work depending on how FP was set up. Good luck.
Gary Johnson
Aki Kurose
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