--- TIC-TECH message:
Only the very first version of FoolProof that we installed could be
disabled by holding down the Shift key. Only the first and second version
of FoolProof could be disabled by holding down the Space Bar to bring up
the Extensions Manager. FoolProof advised users to remove the Extensions
Manager from the Hard Drives.
By the third version, FoolProof locked the Hard Drive if you succedded with
removing the FoolProof Extension. And, by the time that we used FoolProof
on the Library Macs, we were usually locking the Hard Drives if someone
booted from a Floppy or a CD-ROM disc.
There are four items that need to be removed. The FoolProof Extension from
the Extensions Folder, the FoolProof Control which wasn't a Control Panel
and could be located anywhere or even missing being used from a Floppy
Disk, the Foolproof Preferences from the Preferences Folder, and ... I
can't remember the forth.
At 10:40 AM 01/26/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>--- TIC-TECH message:
>{moderator's note: even though this question has been asked, answered, and
people > have been thanked, here's another tip - ma)
>If the person who installed Foolproof allowed starting up the computer
with the
>extensions off, then you can disable Foolproof by starting the computers
with the
>extensions off (hold down the shift key while it restarts). Then you can
go into
>the hard drive, find the Foolproof files and folders (be sure and check the
>Extensions and Preferences folders) and get rid of them.
>You can also call 7333 and ask for the keyboard disable combination. Many
>machined in the district (as I understand it) had Foolproof installed with a
>common combination.
>Greg Doud
>Trudnowski wrote:
>> --- TIC-TECH message:
>> Hi,
>> Can someone help me figure out how to disable the security program called
>> "FoolProof" (it's designed to keep the kids off of the teacher's
>> desktops)? It is loaded onto a Macintosh LC computer (system 7.1). Is
>> there a way to go "around" the password? (If I can ever disable the
>> program, I am going to delete it from the hard drive forever!) I do not
>> know the original password that was used because this is a computer that
>> had been surplused.
>> Thanks for any tips on this one!
>> Diane @ Maple :)
>> trudnow@cks.ssd.k12.wa.us
>> http://www.teacherweb.com/WA/Maple/Trudnowski
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