--- TIC-TECH message:
If you or anyone are into, or teach astronomy, you should definitely check
out the site below. Enjoy...
Paula Tortorice
Schmitz Park Elementary
Computer Lab I.A.
One of many educational pages devised by entrepreneur and programmer John
Walker, YourSky is a virtual planetarium. Visitors to the site can use the
Sky Map to produce astronomical maps by entering time and date, viewpoint,
and observing location (latitude/longitude and ascension/declination). The
Virtual Telescope helps you to track comets and asteroids, and Horizon Views
returns views of the stars above the horizon as seen from a specified
observing site at a given date and time. If you aren't sure of the exact map
coordinates of the city sky you desire to view, you can consult a hypertext
list of major cities around the world. Want to aim your telescope at a
certain planet or stellar body? There's a hypertext list of those, too. Full
explanations of map colors and symbols are provided, along with links to
related programs, a Sky screensaver, and more.
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