--- TIC-TECH message:
(an excerpt from Edupage, May 18, 2001 - ma)
Controversy has arisen around an amendment that Sens. Richard
Shelby (R-Ala.) and Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) have proposed to the
education bill currently pending before the Senate. The
amendment would require schools to seek parental permission if
a Web site that children visit using school computers collects
any kind of data. A broad coalition of industry and education
interests contend that the amendment would be a grave mistake.
Because teachers would have to seek parental consent every time
a Web site sought to collect data, it would effectively end
student use of the Internet at school, they argued. The debate
hints at the increasing role corporations play in providing
educational content, with the use of corporate-sponsored
materials having grown twenty-fold in the last decade,
according to a recent study by the University of Wisconsin.
(Wired News, 17 May 2001)
Abstracts copyright (c) 2001, Information Inc., Bethesda, MD
Edupage copyright (c) 2001, EDUCAUSE
Mark Ahlness
Teacher, grade three at:
Arbor Heights Elementary School
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