-tictech message:
(from Judy MargrathHuge - ma)
This year ThinkQuest Live will be in Seattle on July 20 and 21 at the U
of W. The theme will be "Exploring the Future of Learning".
The website is www.ThinkQuestlive.org <http://www.ThinkQuestlive.org>
and it is now open for on-line registration.
This looks like a great opportunity for many of us to have a unique
learning experience. The attachment also gives more information.
ThinkQuest Live 2002
July 20-21, 2002
Cosponsored by
Advanced Network & Services and the University of Washington
ThinkQuest Live (TQL) is a new initiative being launched by Advanced Network
& Services. It is designed to stimulate a dialogue about the future of
learning technologies in formal and informal education. The initiative seeks
to build an international consortium of experts and organizations that share
the desire to advance learning by the effective and innovative uses of
information technology and advanced communications networks.
TQL 2002, cosponsored by the University of Washington, is the initial event
in this multi-year initiative. It will provide hands-on experience with many
of today's emerging technologies and learning applications, and will provoke
an intellectual and practical exploration of the opportunities and
challenges they bring to the future of learning. The event is designed for
leaders in K-12 and post-secondary education, advanced technology
researchers and developers, policy experts, visionaries, and students.
The format for TQL 2002 will be unique. For the first day and a half, the
University of Washington student union ballroom will become a technology and
learning exploration laboratory (Exploratory). In the Exploratory, hands-on
activities, demonstrations, presentations, and discussions will take place
in pavilions grouped in three thematic areas, each convened by an expert in
the relevant theme who will determine each pavilion's content and
educational goals, and will develop a set of critical questions around these
Curriculum: Math; science; art; music.
Technology: Handheld and ubiquitous computing; graphics, animation and
video; collaboration and communication tools (video conferencing, etc.);
virtual immersive environments; advanced networks/Internet2; robotics.
Leadership and Learning: New roles for teachers and students; access and
equity across geographies, economies, differing abilities, and cultures. Two
special activities will also be located in the Leadership and Learning area:
the student journalism program and the Feedback Café.
Between 60 and 100 high school students (from award-winning ThinkQuest teams
and University of Washington sponsored projects) will participate,
demonstrating their work and taking an active role in TQL.
During the last afternoon, breakout sessions will focus upon large critical
questions that cut across technologies and themes. The event will close with
a plenary session, bringing together the best ideas, most important
opportunities, and most critical challenges that have been revealed and
discussed throughout TQL 2002, thereby creating an agenda to drive ongoing
research, policy, and leadership activities. Subsequent TQL programs will
be built on this foundation.
For more information, or to register, go to www.thinkquestlive.org
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