tictech: FW: ** How We Secured Win9x **

From: Hand, Tony (tghand@seattleschools.org)
Date: Mon Jun 10 2002 - 07:51:01 PDT

  • Next message: Wes Felty: "Re: tictech: FW: ** How We Secured Win9x ** Another method"

    -tictech message:

    Dear Folks,

    This might still be of interest to some:

    How We Secured our Win 9x Machines at Hale

    Preamble: for Historians Only

    When I first took over our Open Lab, I tried to get our very old, but
    disgustingly healthy Mac LC computers to be replaced by just about
    anything that would run Windows. With $5,000, some tech budget money, and
    some luck, we
    managed this in about a year's time. Then the question which
    immediately arose was: How to secure them? We had used Fool Proof
    happily for many years on our Macs. A natural thought was to purchase
    it for our PCs as well. The first time I did this, it completely
    toasted one of my main computers and required a complete rebuild.
    Because of this, I looked briefly at using Win95 policies placed on our
    NT server. With a lot of work one could configure these (thanks to Wes
    for the info on this) so they were fairly secure. I took another look
    at Fool Proof after they had completely redone it and did a lot of
    testing. The results were mixed, but just good enough that I decided to
    purchase it ($700). I like the ease of having that switch to use when
    I wanted to shut off security, and also the symmetry with our Macs which
    have a similar Fool Proof switch. The company that makes Fool Proof has
    been in serious disarray and has released a version of Fool Proof 4x for
    Win2K that is atrocious in the number of bugs and things that just don't
    work. So, I don't necessarily recommend what we have done... I just
    know it worked well for us.

    A tech person would want to look at the numbers of Win9x machines left
    in their building and projections for this OS in the future in your
    location to see if this solution for those machines would be worth the

    Some Free (but much less wonderful) alternatives to Fool Proof for WIn9x:

    A little free piece of software that can provide some security is on the
    Win95 CD in Power Tools folder, called Security Setup... Basically an
    easy front end for 9x policies. Not sure if this is compatible with all
    versions of 9x. Poledit is another, less friendly option which is also
    on the CD. A formal install is required for it to run.

    What We Did That Worked

    Our Windows 9x machines are much, much more secure than the Windows NT
    and Win2000 machines in our building that are being protected by
    protected by NT (not Win2K) policies.

    Fool Proof to Secure the OS

    What I like about Fool Proof 3x for Windows:

    ...is that it only allows saving to one, specified location, and it only
    allows programs to run which you specify. This latter feature is very
    helpful if someone had been able to get around your attempts to put
    threatening executables off limits. Other very useful features are the
    ability to put custom settings on a disk which allows one to load
    FoolProof onto a machine in seconds, and the ability to use a machine as
    a "settings server" to allow Fool Proof changes to an entire lab by
    changing a single checkbox or password. (in our extensive testing, FP4.0
    for Win2K would never do either of these things making installation (in my
    ridiculous!). Also, Fool Proof comes with a master and a user password.
    That means you can give the user password to your TAs and keep the
    master one secret. If one of your TAs proves to be less trustworthy
    than you had hoped, you can change it everyday at lunch for the entire
    school with a single click as I did in my lab for awhile.

    What I don't like about Fool Proof 3x for WIndows:

    .... is that sometimes it locks up the machine when you use that handy
    little switch. The frequency of this is significantly below the level
    where it would override the benefits however.
    Also if the Autosweep feature is enabled [this is supposed to eliminate
    any non-allowable changes which have been made to the computer since the
    last boot], it occasionally sweeps exolorer.exe into oblivion. This is
    not Internet Explorer... the exlorer.exe application is necessary for
    creation of the desktop so the computer is non-functional until you copy
    this file back.

           In General...

    In general, we are very pleased with FP3x. However, In my opinion, FP4x is
    so full of problems that
    we are finding it to be worse than nothing. If anyone is interested, I
    could report on that
    system... suffice it to say it would be really short and say mostly bad
    things. This is unfortunate,
    because I think it has the makings of a great security system.

    BIOS and MSDOS.SYS settings to protect the Boot Process:

    One usually gets into the BIOS settings by pressing delete, F1, F2 or
    F10 (depending on the manufacturer) during bootup. Generally you'll be
    prompted, although Compaq doesn't always do that and you have to look
    for a little flashing square in the upper right hand corner of the black
    screen and then quickly hit F10. Everyone's got to come up with their
    own variant!

    First, one has to set the boot sequence BIOS setting so it will either
    only boot from the hard drive (usually c), or at least so that it boots
    from the harddrive first with as few other options as possible. Then
    the BIOS has to be password protected. All of this can be defeated by
    opening up the case and shorting out a jumper, so if you really, really
    want tight security, you'll lock the case shut. Obviously, if your
    computer won't boot, you'll have to go into the BIOS and undo the boot
    setting so you can once again boot from a floppy disk.

     Fool Proof proper protects the OS and River Deep includes a boot
    locking function to do the latter. Our experience is that sometimes the
    boot locking would be interpreted as a boot sector virus (!), would
    interfere with graphics in the window menus, or sometimes appeared to
    "toast" the machine. I decided not to use it and to use alterations to
    the MSDOS.SYS file instead. Adding the following lines to this file:


    Will defeat the F8 key which brings up a menu asking if the user wants
    to boot into command line (ack!) mode, Safe Mode, etc... Fixing this is
    essential for security. See below for details of settings and how to
    alter them.

    One weakness here is that one could interrupt the boot process by
    restarting the computer in the middle of the boot, let the machine go
    into auto scandisk and then cancel that. This can give one a command
    line option. Setting autoscan to 0 [see below] would defeat this, but
    would put your machine at risk for a messed-up FAT table. Leaving the
    autoscan intact seemed the best choice in the absence of evidence that
    people were doing this.

    Below is information on the MSDOS.SYS file and how to setup up security

    From http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q118579

    These Three:

    1) BootGUI= Boolean
           Default: 1
           Purpose: A setting of 1 forces the loading of the GUI interface.
    A setting of 0
           disables the loading of the GUI interface

    2) BootKeys= Boolean
           Default: 1
           Purpose: A setting of 1 enables the use of the function key boot
    options (that is,
           F4, F5, F6, F8, and CTRL). A setting of 0 disables the use of
    these function keys
           during the boot process

    3) BootWarn= Boolean
           Default: 1
           Purpose: A setting of 0 disables the Safe-mode boot warning
    message and the
           Startup menu.

    Probably not needed if you don't have a second OS... but no reason to
    not do it that I know of

    4) BootMulti= Boolean
           Default: 1
           Purpose: A setting of 0 disables the multi-boot option. (For
    example, with a
           setting of 0 you cannot boot your previous operating system.) A
    setting of 1
           enables the F4 and F8 keys to boot your previous operating

    Hmmm... I wouldn't do this but they might be interesting

    5) AutoScan= Number
           Default: 1
           Purpose: Defines whether or not ScanDisk is run after a bad
    shutdown. A setting
           of 0 does not run ScanDisk; 1 prompts before running ScanDisk; 2
    does not
           prompt before running ScanDisk but prompts you before fixing
    errors if any
           errors are found.

           This setting is used only by OEM Service Release 2 and Windows

        How to Edit the Msdos.sys File

    (Taken from:

        If you want to change any of the values in the Msdos.sys file,
    follow these steps to
        edit the file:

           Click Start , point to Find , and then click Files Or Folders .

           In the Named box, type msdos.sys . In the Look In box, click your
    boot drive
           (usually drive C, or drive H if drive C is compressed). Click the
    Find Now

           Right-click the Msdos.sys file, and then click Properties .

           Click to clear the Read-Only and Hidden check boxes to remove
           attributes from the Msdos.sys file, and then click OK .

           Right-click the Msdos.sys file, and then click Open With .

           In the Choose the program you want to use box, click WordPad ,
    and then
           click OK .

           Make the changes you want to the Msdos.sys file. When you are
    done, save the
           file as a text document, and then quit WordPad.

           Right-click the Msdos.sys file, and then click Properties .

           Select the Read-Only and Hidden check boxes to set the attributes
    for the file,
           and then click OK . Close the Find window.

           Restart Windows.

            Tony Hand
            Technology Coordinator
            Nathan Hale High School
            Seattle School District

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