-tictech message:
Here is how to download the TERC software by grade level and unit.
Go to this site:
Click on the software title of your choice and go.
You will need (as far as I know for all of the software) the First author's
on the teacher's manual to install it.
They can be put on any District machine. I do believe that most of the
is available for both platforms. They keep revising, a slow process, from
original discs in the manuals which were for Mac only.
Some of the software is based on Geo Logo but it is not the complete thing.
you can't use it any way you would like.
Some of the software is slow, such as the Tetris version for 3rd grade. So,
commercial version would be better.
Good luck.
Krista Canterbury
Olympic Hills Elementary
> -tictech message:
> I notice there are various TERC software's floating around the district.
> Does anyone know if the district has a license for the elementary graphing
> software (the name escapes me at the moment).
> Thanks.
> Jack Nolan
> Computer Specialist
> McGilvra Elementary
> jvnolan@seattleschools.org
> 252-3190
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