-tictech message:
Old computers are not worth any person's time or effort - they are basically
slow typewriters.
Think art!
I've had (and will be having again) an art teachers do a creative art lesson
using the guts of a computer. The kids get to explore the insides of a
computer box, learn the names and functions of the parts, learn what tools
to use to remove hardware, etc. They are just fascinated with it all.
They explore computer guts.
They produce a work of art.
They present it to the school.
As a bonus, the now empty computer cases (with their ID numbers intact) are
much easier to stow away once all that weight is removed.
Kevin Crozier
> ----------
> From: KDL888888@aol.com
> Reply To: tic-tech
> Sent: Sunday, May 4, 2003 9:31 AM
> To: tic-tech
> Subject: tictech: Old computers
> -tictech message:
> We have several old computers at Orca Elementary school. I have not
> them, but there must be 30 or more. Most of them do not work and are old
> apples. Some are from the SSD and some were donated. They are taking up
> very limited storage space. Does anyone want them? If not, who do I
> at the District to get them removed. I know the SSD has a place that they
> send old computers near the Stanford Center. I would prefer to take them
> there myself if possible. We have not had any luck getting the SSD to pick
> up
> our surplus (even though we budgeted it) and I do not expect this to be an
> exception.
> Katherine Law
> Orca Elementary School
> KDL888888@aol.com
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