-tictech message:
Every school is different and has its own culture, but at my school we try
to deal with that sort of thing as a social/behavoral issue, not a
technological one. While I am sure there are ways to stop mtv, that does
play right into the game of 'see what you can get away with, I'll see what I
can stop.' There are some kids who love that game and are very good at it.
I'd suggest being very explicit about what the rules for computer use are
and then enforce any breach of those rules with the disciplinary policy your
school already has set-up. Loss of computer-use privileges seems like an
appropriate sanction in this case.
Matt Page
mopage @ seattleschools.org
-----Original Message-----
From: Nolan, John
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 11:47 AM
To: tic-tech
Subject: tictech: MTV Block?
-tictech message:
Anyone have a quick and easy way to block MTV? My fifth graders like to
watch videos when they think I'm not watching. This seems like a waist of
bandwidth to me, and I'm not comfortable with much of what I see them
viewing ( I must be getting old). Surely school is not the place to be
viewing MTV.
I thought I had pulled all the plugins but I guess not.
Jack Nolan
Computer Specialist
McGilvra Elementary
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