Welcome to Arbor Heights!
Seattle, Washington
Home of the Earth Day Grocery Bag Project!
The following are text files of our first annual Earth Day Grocery Bags project.This idea was distributed on the Internet from Arbor Heights via Ednet and Kidsphere.Briefly, 43 schools from around the U.S. and Canada participated, and well over 10,000students decorated over 13,000 grocery bags which were distributed to shoppers on Earth Day, April 22, 1994. We hope to continue the project again in 1995, and provide updateson this WWW site. These are the results from 1994:
We truly hope you and your school can join in next year on Earth Day, April 22, 1995!For other K12 schools, click here.
Page prepared by Mark Ahlness, third grade teacher.
This page is still very much under development. Please address comments to:
August 14, 1994 - This was our first home page (well, you have to start somewhere). Ours was the 9th or 10th elementary school with a web site. The primary focus of the home page at that time was the Earth Day Groceries Project. This page, and the others until the summer of 1995, were all written and maintained on a 386-33, 4mb RAM, 110mb HD computer using a 14,400 bps modem for file uploads to the server. The browsers used to check this page were NCSA Mosaic, Cello, and Lynx - Netscape and Internet Explorer weren't around yet.
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To October, 1994