Copyright © Louis Schmier and Atwood Publishing.
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 08:01:36 -0500 (EST)
Random Thought: On Motivation, V
And finally, let's talk about wound and wonder. On to the "great
motivator," at least what so many of us in and outside of education call
the great motivator: the grade. Ah, the grade. If I asked if the grade
was motivation and motivating, most academics would shout, "Yes!!" We
would acclaim and pronounced that the great motivators are achievement,
recognition of achievement, and advancement, all of which are tied into
"extrinsic" stuff. And, of course, the most extrinsic of extrinsic
motitavors in academia is the grade.
Ain't that simple. The grade reminds me of a dog bisquit. Wierd?
Have you ever tried to entice or seduce or bribe your dog to move, to do
what you want, by waving a bisquit in front of his nose with a "here
poochie, poochie?" Did the dog ignore you in spite of your best efforts,
and you walked away with an annoyed mumble, "dumb dog?" The grade also
reminds me of a dog leash. Ever try to pull him on a leash and he dug in
while you grunted an annoyed, "dumb dog?" The grade reminds me of a push
or a prod. Ever get behind your dog and push its rump while it pushed
back while your feet slipped and your face began to twist into a snarl as
you curses, "dumb dog." Bisquit or leash or push, you wanted the dog to
do something. The dog didn't want to do it. You didn't know or cared what
the dog wanted. You blamed the dog for not obeying. Sometimes its the
same way with students. We use them to get students to do something we
have already decided we want them to do. Nothing more, nothing less.
And, like the biquit, they don't necessarily work.
The grade also reminds me of a pay check. On the job, you trade
hours on the right task for money. Like a businessperson, we trade hours
on the right task for grades. We use classic economic theory of reward
and punishment, promotion and dismissal, incentive, status, recognition.
Instead of a pay raise or promotion, we give grades and bestow honors and
grant scholarships. "Won't grades, be they reward or threat, change
behavior?" You ask. Sure--for now. "Won't grades will make students do
what I want. It will make them study for test and work on projects," you
ask. Sure--for now. Actually, if we were honest with ourselves, the
sureity of that "sure" answer would be really a slow, hesitant "maybe."
Whether you agree with that or not, if all these "extrinsic
motivators," as I am told grades are called, are such sure-fire
motivators, why aren't they lighting motivating fires under students. You
say they are? Well, then, once again, if that is the case, why is there
so much complaint about students not being motivated? It seems that
grades are more like wet matches than flint sparks.
I have to admit that I am not exactly unbiased when it comes to
these extrinsic motivators. I was once an ardent grade giver in my
professoring decades using grades and test and papers as those briding
bisquits and drag-along leashes. You know what I discovered--reluctantly.
Well, maybe suddently a decade ago. These grades and other
rewards/punishments only got the students to focus on getting the grades,
but put long-term learning out of focus. It seemed that over the span of
a term and beyond the grades had a demotivating impact. They dulled,
deflated, dispirited, and ultimately both banished excitement and purpose.
The result was lowered performance.
Grades. GPAs. Honors. Diplomas. we spend so much time trying to
brain-wash students, and ourselves, into thinking they are important, that
they are money in the bank that create a security for the future. They
are supposedly a guarantee that they will make us healthier, wealthier,
and wiser in the future. It can't be that simple because as great
motivators they obviously get a lousy grade as motivators.
It's not that simple because nothing is simple, especially when it
comes to human beings. It's not that simple become nothing happens in a
vaccuum. No grade or student or teacher is, to paraphrase John Donne, is
an island; everything happens in relations with people: among professors
and teachers; among students; between themselves; and between students and
authority figures called professors and teachers. It is a combination, a
recipe of various ingredient, and too often a conflict of yearning from
within and day-to-day suppressing contact with surroundings. After reading
journals, listening to those confidential letters, small talking,
observing students in general, I'm arriving at the position where I sense
that there is among most students a sense of meaningless, a sense that
their talents are wasted, a sense that no one really gives a damn, a sense
they are being ignored and devalued, a sense that the material is more
important to us and are they, and a lot of sense of confusion. These
senses are at best slowing yellow lights and usually halting red lights.
These feelings silence, stifle, prevent, and paralyze. Unfairness,
disinterest, distance, lonliness seem to arouse a sense of danger, a
threat to safety. Whether it is dangerous or not, that is the reality for
most students. The classroom appears to be to so many students an
unreliable, unsafe, unpredicatble, alien, unenjoyable, unexciting,
unsupportive place. And when the classroom is threatening and droll,
students run for cover and cover up their abilities and cripple their
"motivation." We do the same thing. We tend to create slumbering
conditions rather than awakening ones; keep the abilities in hibernation;
freeze them into a state of dormancy. And those extrinsic motivators
prove to be ulimately cattle prods without charges, useless sticks. They
won't improve long-term performance; they won't promote self-directed
action; they won't develop values such has caring, honesty, respect,
integrity; they won't develop confidence and self-motivation.
You could easily see, feel, and hear all that if you intently and
sincerely looked and listened. So many students find it just as difficult
to see themselves. They are as often blinded as are we. They ae so
groping for their own innate abilities, talents, direciton. There is so
often such an emptiness, a fear, a frustration. And, they are so easily
distracted by what they perceive to be so comforting. And so, they obey
what I call the "laws of avoiding." It's not being lazy; it's being
smart; it has paid off in the past. They become learned at skimming,
scanning, cutting corners, procrastinating, note-copying, fraternity file
raiding, grade-getting, test taking, psyching out, silence, and even
cheating. Their goal is to protect themselves, to protect their
self-esteem and self-confidence. They're in conflict between fear of
failure and hope for success. There is a conflict and coincidence of the
need to achieve, the need to be cared for, the need for relationships. And
so, they are highly motivated to obey the unmotivating laws of avoiding.
It's easier to give in and give up, and give excuses. We teachers do it
all the time with our defensive "I belive," "I can't" and "It's not me."
It's a self-con, a self-delusion, a defensive pessimism. It's a fear of
success, fear of failure, fear of chance, fear of choice, fear of
decision. It's a fear of being curious, imaginative, creative. It's a
fear of making a mistake, looking foolish, looking dumb. We all do it.
It like standing on the edge of a pool, crouched over, arms waving back
and forth: afraid of having to jump in, afraid to jump in, afraid of what
would happen once having jumped in. So, you make believe you want to jump
when you really don't want to or see the point of having to. Better for
others to believe you can't swim than risk proving it. And so, they major
in the study of "wound-ology" instead of a "wonder-ology."
You see, I don't think it's right to talk of good or bad students.
That is too easy and self-exonerating. I much prefer to say that students
can become better and better and better if the conditions are supportive,
interesting, encouraging, caring; and they can become worse and worse if
the conditions are less supporting, less encouraging, duller, and less
caring. As I watch students engage in the various challenging and
engaging and enjoying projects that are the hallmarks of our class, I have
come to see that dull dulls and hurts, excitement excites and cures. The
wounds have a better chance of healing into wonder. It's not the projects
per see. It's the absence of threat and punishment and reward, and the
prsence of a lot of love and faith and, support and encouragement. Care
about students, and they will more likely care about themselves and care
about what they do. That is also true about us. I have found that in a
positive and possibility environment students tend to accept greater
challenge, are more engaged, are more entusiastic. I have found that a
way to recover the meaning of learning, the value of learning, the
worthiness of learning is to recover the power of the experience of
learning. It has been my experience that, contrary to academic rumor,
most students don't want it easy; they do want to believe; they do want to
have faith; they do want to hope; they do want excitment and enthusiasm;
they do want challange; they do want to accomplish. They do want to
discover, uncover, and use hidden talent and ability. Talent and ability,
self-confidence, self-esteem are all both now and later, drive and lure,
actual and potential, a hunger and a meal. Students just want something
that is meaningful, purposeful, and attractive to them personally.
And when all is said and done, I am being somewhat long
winded about changing teaching and learning habits for both us and them.
And as a reformed nail-biting addict, I remember that the first step is
always a killer. I know every day is a killer. It's a killer to stop.
It's a killer to start. It's a killer to continue. That is true when
you stop drinking, stop smoking, stop biting your nails, start exercising.
It is no less true of motivating and getting motivated. For the
students and for us teachers. Finished.