Copyright © Louis Schmier and Atwood Publishing.
Date: Wed 11/6/2002 4:19 AM
Random Thought: Hope Scholarships Offer Hope
This is a kind of different reflection.
Many of you may have read a feature by Greg Winter that appeared
in the New York Times last week on October 31 that was followed by an
editiorial which appeared in the Times on November 4. Both pieces cast
doubts on the merits of merit-based scholarships. The editorial was
titled, "When A Scholarship Buys A Car." The particular merit-based
scholarship both pieces spotlighted was Georgia's Hope Scholarship
program. If you haven't read them, both pieces dwell on how a merit-based
scholarship programs such as Georgia's "showers students with tuition aid
whether they need it or not" and is a "boondoggle" that allows the
affluent parents to take advantage of the program and use the money they
otherwise would have spent on tuition to buy their children new cars.
The writers strongly infer that in so doing, the program excludes the many
of the talented and needy, and "threatens the dream of upward mobility
through education for the poorest Americans." That may be true in other
States, but not in Georgia. Consequently, I would like to take issue with
both pieces. While I don't intend to argue merit-based versus need-based
programs, unlike the New York Times, I come to praise Georgia's Hope
Scholarship program, not to bury it.
I have been at Valdosta State University in Georgia a long time
and have seen a lot of change. I came to Georgia in 1967 with halted
breath when it was an educational backwater. As a born-'n-bred eastside
of Manhattan New Yorker, I came with a distinct geographical prejudice.
To me, Georgia was "Bubba land," a region of Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett
Butler, criss-crossed by "tobacco roads" along which lived an ignorant,
backward, and hateful people known for their savage bigotry. Since then,
I have seen the State struggle to cast off its mark of Cain. Like salmon,
it has and continues to struggle to swim upstream against the currents to
the educational headwaters where it can spawn a brighter future for its
young citizens. And while Georgia is still struggling, with the Hope
Scholarships there's more than a glimmer of hope that the State has made
headway. Because of that, I would like to point out a few things that
make Georgia's merit-based Hope Scholarships a tad unique. First, all of
the cost of this merit-based tuition scholarship progam comes solely from
lottery money. In these hard economic times when tax-based State budgets,
including the budgets of educational agencies, are being drastically cut
left and right, that may be more blessing than curse. And while you may
argue that a lottery is immoral or that the lottery is little more than a
hidden tax on the poor and uneducated who can least afford to pay
additional taxes, it is the talented children of Georgia's poor and
unedcated, as well as those of the hard pressed and debt-ladened middle
class who now have the most hope of getting a higher education because of
the Hope Scholarships. Second, by law, the lottery money, unlike in many
other states, cannot go into the black hole of the General Fund to be
avaricely divided up by a host of warring state agencies or allow
politicans to play the tax reduction card or reduce the pool for
scholarships. In fact, even in these hard-pressed times, by law, the
budget of the Department of Education in Georgia, whose budget constitutes
40% of the entire state budget, is exempt from the axeman's blade while at
the same time he is walking the halls of all other states agencies,
including the University System. Third, the Hope Scholarships are
sacrosanct. It would be political suicide for any politican on either
side of the aisle to even consider tampering with them or make them
political fodder. Fourth, while some may argue over a need-base verse a
merit-base scholarship, the Hope Scholarship program doesn't act like an
airline that has overbooked a flight. If a few students from affluent
families receive a Hope Scholarship, it is not at the expense of anyone in
need. Any student, rich or poor, who gets B average in high school and
maintains a 3.0 GPA in college, receives a Hope scholarship. No one is
left out. Fifth, sure the scholarship is not perfect, but as the history
of existing need-based programs show a lot more needy, a lot more of the
close-to-the-cutoff-line working poor and hard-pressed middle class, would
hopelessly fall through the cracks of a needs-based scholarship program.
With all that said, everyday I see the Hope scholarship buying
far, far more futures than cars. Everyday I see the Hope Scholarship
getting far more students into our classrooms than are getting into their
new cars. Everyday I talk with lower and middle class students who would
not have had the luxury of a college education without the scholarships.
Everyday I read in journals of dreamy-eyed students daring to dream that
their dreams will come true. Everyday I see a host of faces and hear a
crowd of voices in the hallowed halls who without the Hope Scholarship
would remain invisible and silent and locked outside the ivied walls.
Everyday I see the State of Georgia affording a college education to large
numbers of students who otherwise could not afford to attend a college or
university. Everyday I see the scholarship showering throngs of
disadvantaged students with opportunity who otherwise could not take
advantage financially of any opportuntiy of attending a college or
university. Everyday, I see the scholarship offering a windfall of hope
to so many who would be otherwise hopeless. Everyday, I see Hope lighting
up for a multitude what otherwise would be a dim future. Everyday I see
far more money saved by the Hope Scholarship going for necessities than
for luxuries.
And if I am being redundant, I am so deliberately and for the
purpose of emphasis. The Times'editors may wish to dwell on the few
affluent who take advantage to get a new car and call the Hope
Scholarhship program a boondoggle. I prefer to dwell on the overwhelming
majority of lower and middle class students who take advantage of the
scholarship to get an education and I call the scholarship a boon.