Copyright © Louis Schmier and Atwood Publishing.
Date: Mon 6/30/2003 6:14 AM
Random Thought: Affirmative Action, Education, and Society
I've been thinking about the recent deaths of Maynard Jackson and
Strom Thurmond and Lester Maddox, of the seemingly never-ending story of
the flap over the Georgia state flag, and of the recent Supreme Court
decisions on affirmative action.
Let's talk honestly about race consciousness, racial equality, and
equal opportunity--and simple respect. Forget victimization! Forget
white guilt! Forget indemnification! Forget self-righteous breast
beating! And, forget political correctness! Let's just talk about the
truth that our attitude towards others and the way we behave towards them
is an expression of our values and character.
I've just a few overlapping questions: Does anyone really think
there is yet a deeply sincere and wide-spread complete change of heart
towards racial minorities? Does anyone really think we in this country
are not race conscious? Does anyone really think no one plays the race
card in political nominations, appointments, campaigns, and redistricting?
Does anyone really think racial bias, prejudice, and bigotry is a vanished
problem? Does anyone really think that there aren't subtle winks and nods
of bias and prejudice? Does anyone really think there are no denigrating
racial "code words" in our everyday conversation? Does anyone really
think that there is equality in our legal and judicial and educational
systems? Does anyone really think racial prejudice is not encountered in
housing, in education, in the workplace, in financial transactions, in job
searches, in real estate deals, in awarding contract, in everyday
commerce, and in daily life? Does anyone really think disrespect and
intolerance is no longer tolerated? Does anyone really think there is
equitable inclusion? Does anyone really think there is no longer any
racial divide? Does anyone really think the barriers preventing equal
opportunity and discrimination have been torn down? Do you really think
discrimination has been replaced by a sense of community based on mutual
respect and the sacredness of each individual? Does anyone really think
that the habits and attitudes reflected in legally, socially,
economically, politically, and culturally sanctioned prejudice that have
marked the history of our country have gone away? Does anyone really
think that the corrosive racial stereotypes have been eaten away? Does
anyone really think that the legacy of race does not carry special weight
in this country?
And my last question: how is it that no one in the dominant
"white" society complained of using racial preferences when it was they
who were the sole beneficiaries of favoritism and discrimination simply by
reason of skin color?
Contrary to a chorus of "Not me," anyone who thinks that racial
bigotry and prejudice is a thing of the past, that we have reached the
point of being color blind, is blind.
No, Martin Luther King's dream is not yet close to being a
reality. There are too many lingering nightmares. Affirmative action,
then, is not patronizing or racial gerrymandering or disrespecting or
demeaning. It is offering opportunity and impose responsibility. It is
simply living in the present-day real world that sadly is still too
perniciously "Bunkeresque" and still populated by too many backstair
Archie types.
For us academics, if education is to serve, it must do so beyond
merely transmitting information and granting a credential. It must be a
transformation of the heart. The most powerful tool we have in knocking
down the walls of separation is modeling and coaching on how to show
unconditionally what Aretha Franklin electrifying spelled out in 1967.