Copyright © Louis Schmier and Atwood Publishing.
Date: Mon 3/8/2004 4:11 AM
Random Thought: Personal Mission Statements, II
I'd like to share a few reflections about personal missions
statements over the next couple of day. Let's start with this one.
Let's be honest. Most institutional mission statements are
annouced from "on high" or emerge from the efforts of an institution's
planning process.
Institutions, however, don't have mission statements; people do.
Let's be even more honest, and my Dean, VPAA, and President may
not like this if they read it. Both my institution's current mission
statement and proposed new mission statement aren't all that important to
me. Sure, I understand all the time and energy that has gone into
formulating a new one. And, deeply being involved in the strategic
planning initiative, I am certainly empathetic to why they must exist and
how the tight, demanding time frame in which they must be formulated
constricts the process. There are practical demands and requirements of
the Chancellor's office, Board of Regents, legislators, Governor, faculty
and staff, donors, parents, students, and the general public. But, a
mission statement is not the solution to a problem or the meeting of a
requirement or a "one shot" fulfillment of a duty, or the result of a
planning process.
It's not what mission statements say that are important; it is
what they do. I'll repeat that. It's not what mission statements say
that are important; it is what they do.
And, my institution's mission statements, old and proposed new,
don't do a thing for me. Neither is important to me. Neither turns me
on. There's a disconnect between either one of them and me. Neither is
rooted in my adamantine core. They're ideas, even important ideas. They
offer direction, even important direction. But, they don't create a
shared commonality with me. They're not that powerful, inspiring, moving,
impressive force in my heart. Why? They're so institutional. They're a
search for a "strategic vision;" they're not personal visions. They say,
"This is why VSU has or will have these organizations, programs, and
policies." Mine is so personal and says, "This is why I exist, why I am
alive. Bring it on!"
My institution's mission statements belong to someone else and
being asked to fine-tune the language isn't a committed buy-in. My
institution's mission statements aren't personal. They're not mine!
They're not visceral. They're not inside me. They're not me. They're
not interlocked, interconnected, integrated, interacted with my avowed
purpose, vision, value system, and mission. No, I am moved and directed
by my articulated personal mission statement that for years, literally
years, I have struggled, agonized over, lost sleep about, cause me many a
tossing and turning, pondered, walked on, searched for, written,
rewritten, trashed, written, rewritten, and am still honing. It is my
discovered, formulated, and articulated "why" that is important to me.
That is because my personal mission statement is me; it is mine. It is my
"true north." It is my purpose, my vision, my values, my concerns, my
hopes, my beliefs, my faiths, my aspirations. It's my inside coming out.
It is something very meaningful; it's in my heart and soul. In the spirit
of Deuteronomy 6:6-9, it's in my heart and soul. I wake up with it, talk
about it, share it, teach it. It shines through my eyes; I wear it on my
face; it's in my voice; it's in my step. It's my aura. I spend my days
and deal with every day, day-to-day relationships with it consciously in
the forefront of my mind, heart, and soul. It is my mantra.
Institutions don't have mission statements; people do.
I fondest hope is that my institution's new mission statement is
only the first step in long, arduous, and time-consuming building of a
"will you follow me" shared vision that will connect with the
disconnected. For a genuine caring about a mission or vision statement
that seeks commitment rather than merely compliance, must have a
commonality. It must be rooted in collected personal senses of missions
and personal visions. The members of my institutional community must buy
into it. Each must have a sense of ownership. That is the way to make an
institutional mission statement so compelling that it stops being a
concept, people begin to see it as if it exists and is alive, and no one
is willing to give it up. Otherwise, it ultimately will be meaningless
and powerless, little more than the unread first page in the institutional
bulletin or various handbooks, and will be banished to the mission
statement's graveyard where it will merely gather dust on a lost shelf
unread and forgotten.