Copyright © Louis Schmier and Atwood Publishing.
Date: Sat 6/4/2005 3:39 AM
Random Thought: Some Profoundly Simple Questions
It was in the university parking lot that it happened. Being that it is between
semesters, it had a "ghost-lot" quality to it. The early morning sun was up and already
superheating the watery air. I was on the out-going leg of my every-other-day five mile
very fast "normal" walk. It's the only exercise other than carefully lifting my
grand-daughter, Jacqueline, that I'm permitted. I'm not allowed to power walk for another
two months. A van pulled up along side me. I turned my head. It was crammed packed with
a confusion of end-of-Maymester-moving-out everyday household stuff. At the wheel was
Medody. As is usual these days, her eyes were gleaming and her face was beaming an inner
peacefulness. That loving glow of a haloed cherub was a far cry from those times over a
decade ago when she stiffly walked around as if she had pennies on her eyes. Once almost
giving up on life, now it takes only a glance to see how she's now bursting with life. I
stopped, smiled, and reached out to clasp her extended hand in a sincerely loving hold as
the close friends and fellow travelers we have become. She was one of those who had
helped me through my cancer as a decade ago I had inadvertently helped her through the
cancer on her soul. We talked for a few minutes. She was finally moving down to Tampa
where her husband works, although she'll be back in the Fall semester to do her student
After a quiet exchange, I leaned over and pushed my head through the open window.
We hugged and gave each other a peck on the cheek goodbye. She drove off as I walked off.
Right then and there, as I watched her car turn onto the street, I made myself a promise.
No, I took an oath. Nothing will stop me from being there when she walks across the
For the rest of my route I walked with an ease as if I was borne by Mercury's
winged shoes. I had a warmth about me that had little to do with the toasty sun or
blanching air. Since that chance meeting a couple of days ago, as I worked on the guest
bathroom ripping out the commode and sink and accessories, stripping wall paper, dealing
with unexpected problems that always pop up when renovating an old house, decoratively
plastering and silver leafing the walls, and painting trim, I felt as if I had received a
booster shot of vitamins fulfillment, accomplishment, and satisfaction. Melody has sent
me into an ascending spin. I've been thinking about the possibilities and opportunities
that are always real and present in any given moment if you focus on the good things,
about all the worthwhile things you can do on any given day if you appreciate the beauty
in each student, about how each of us can help cause good things to happen if we
concentrate on what's worthwhile in each student, about how we each can work to make this
world a better place by helping to make a student a better person, and about how great it
feels when you give of yourself to others.
So, I have been asking myself some profoundly "simple" questions that demand
answering. They have to do sacredness and inspiration. That is, when all is said and
done, what do I hold most sacred in what I do on campus? When I've got to make choices
about my time, effort, attention, and energy, what is number one on my top ten list? What
is MOST on my mind? What is MOST in my heart? What is it that I MOST look forward to?
What is it that is MOST meaningful to me? What makes me MOST purpose-driven? What is it
that fuels my tank, that instills in me a power, that pushes me past my limitations, that
sends me soaring into new worlds, that creates a euphoric mood, that invites me to fondly
imagine and create, that gets me to dream of a hosts of "what if," that slows me into
wonderment, that lights my candle and overwhelms the darkness, that fills me with an
abundance of hope and encouragement, that allows me to delight in beauty and cherish life,
that parries discouragement and disappointment, that opens blockading barriers and lets me
enter into vast vistas of opportunities, that feeds my joy and gratitude, that gives me
the passion for the possible, that opens my arms to the moment, that imparts in me a sense
of fulfillment, that thrills me with exaltation, that animates me to fully live life, that
gets me up each day with a trumpeting “yes,” and that lets me go to sleep with a contented
What, then, in the end, is it that gets me going and keeps me going? What is it
that opens the gifts of fun and happiness for me? What is it that I want to leave behind
and pass along to others? The honest answers are important, for recognized and
acknowledged and uttered or not they're there; I will draw on them, wittingly or
otherwise, to drive and direct myself, and determine which path I will take.
For me, all the answers to all those questions lie in the helping the likes of
Melody help themselves to transform their lives so they can strive to become the people
they are capable of becoming.