--- TIC-TECH message:
Romana Crilly, have you found something that would help your fifth grade
student that has no fingers on his right hand? In a previous life I had an
employee that lost the use of his right hand. We found special software and
a keyboard that let him use only his left hand. In a matter of weeks he was
at 30+ WPM, which was about his speed when he had the use of two hands. He
said it was easy to learn and use. I will try to find out more info if
this would be helpful. Let me know.
Thx. John
John Rowlands
Director, Information Services
Seattle Public Schools
-----Original Message-----
From: Ms. Crilly [mailto:rcrilly@cks.ssd.k12.wa.us]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 10:22 AM
To: TIC-TECH@tic.ssd.k12.wa.us
Subject: Tic-Tech: Assistive Technology
--- TIC-TECH message:
Do any of you have any experience with this?
I have a fifth grade student that just transferred from the Highline School
District that has no fingers on his right hand and only a portion of his
thumb. He tries to write with his left hand but does so very laboriously.
I'm wondering if anyone knows what kind of technology would be helpful to
him in the computer lab and in the classroom.
Our special education teacher is also investigating options through Marika
Romana Crilly
Dearborn Park Elementary School
(206) 760-4623
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