--- TIC-TECH message:
Hi, I wish to introduce myself to the members Tic-Tech. I am Michael Gross,
also know as "The Software Guy" and I work with Information Services. My
job is to be a resource to our schools and to the District in providing
software services for software management. What this means is, we need to
determine whether we have the correct amount of licenses for programs loaded
on our computers. Is all the software legal, are we in compliance with the
licensing agreements. Where is our proof or documentation? Working with
the schools, we will be able to develop a software management plan, which
will provide a sustainable process that will answer these questions.
I am also your resource for questions concerning licensing or compliance
issues. I can be reached at:
Michael K. Gross
Seattle Public Schools
815 Fourth Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109-3902
E-Mail: mkgross@seattleschools.org
Phone: (206) 252-0362
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