--- TIC-TECH message:
(from Stephen McIntyre spmcintyre@seattleschools.org - ma)
Subject: 1rst Annual Tech Share Fair and Swap Shop
Sent: 3/7/01 7:43 PM
Importance: Normal
To Tic-Tech*********INVITATION***********
We would love to have you tech-wizards and near wizards AND all other
interested mortals as our guests on Weds. April 18th, 3:30-5:30 at the
emerging ‘TECH-Mecca’, Loyal Heights Elementary School.
Come share a special project, unit, idea…whatever. Bring any technology
piece of equipment or software that you don't need and think that
someone else can possibly use...to swap or give away…( just don’t leave
it here as a “white elephant” ) :). Or, just come to schmooze.
The main notion is to have a forum where we can exchange ideas and
hopefully expand the integration of technology into the classrooms.
The vision: people show-up with floppies, zips, video, or any other
BRIEF presentation or printed handout.
We will have a couple of PC’s and Mac’s ready to use with the InFocus
projector; along with VCR and overhead……………the emphasis will be K-5, but
all are welcome.
Refreshments will be provided.
If this thing is a success we can schedule more; if not, hey, you made
some new friends.
Steve McIntyre Technology Teacher
Loyal Heights Elementary School
2511 NW 80th St.
Seattle, WA. 98117
206 706-3880
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