Tic-Tech: March 1st Tech Forum Minutes

From: Woodcock, Lesley (LWoodcock@seattleschools.org)
Date: Wed Mar 14 2001 - 15:27:57 PST

  • Next message: Wes Felty: "Tic-Tech: Allied Telesyn Switches from GrayBar?"

    --- TIC-TECH message:
    The Technology Forum Meeting Minutes follow.

    Fist I want to apologize for the tardy delivery of the March 1st Tech Forum
    minutes. Lesley Woodcock has done a great job of taking the notes and
    delivering them to me within a reasonable amount of time considering her
    full time job as Help Desk Trainer. It is I who left it in my to do file
    way too long. So please accept my humble apology.

    Second I would like some feedback on the Tech Forum. Our original goal of
    setting up the forum was to get information about changing technology in our
    district out to our schools as the BTA levy and other projects roll out.
    That continues to be our charter. However, I have heard some say that it is
    sometimes too technical and others say not technical enough. Our goal is to
    deliver the information that you want or need to help keep everyone up to
    date. We appreciate any and all suggestions on topics, structure, speakers
    or anything that serves to help transfer technical knowledge. So please
    send John Rowlands, Les Foltos or me any comments and suggestions to help
    improve our Technology Forum. Any ideas on other message vehicles are also
    Jrowlands@seattleschools.org <mailto:Jrowlands@seattleschools.org>
    Lfoltos@seattleschools.org <mailto:Lfoltos@seattleschools.org>
    Chwalker@seattleschools.org <mailto:Chwalker@seattleschools.org>


    Seattle Public Schools
    Technology Forum
    March 1, 2001


    Teach the Teacher - Les Foltos
    Les Foltos made an announcement regarding the Teach the Teacher Applications
    are now being available. Please take the time to apply.

    Intel Teach to the Future Program - Eric Faulkner
    Eric Faulkner made an announcement about the Intel Teach to the Future
    program over the next three years. Through this program, our district will
    have a cadre of 6 teachers (referred to as Master Teachers) trained by
    Intel, who will train a group of twenty teachers this summer and another
    group of 20 in the summer of 2002.

    In addition to receiving 60 hours of training, Master Teachers will be given
    a stipend for each group of 20 teachers trained, and will get a laptop in
    addition to a $5000 grant from the Gates Foundation to purchase computer
    equipment for their classroom.

    Once trained, the Master Teacher is expected to help recruit and train a
    group of 20 teachers, in the Instructional Technology Training Center, each
    year for at least the next two years.

    At this time, we are inviting any teacher who is interested and qualified to
    be a Master Teacher to apply. The application process is online and must be
    completed by April 1, 2001. The application and complete program
    information is available online at:

    Training Opportunities Next Summer
    A+ and Network Administration training will again be offered to teachers.
    This year's class will be held in a different location that promises to be
    much cooler.

    How To Get Great Service and Support - Charlie Walker
    The Helpdesk has been expanded to better accommodate the needs. It is very
    important to call the Helpdesk and log a call for service.

    There is confusion about what to call in to what location. Per Charlie,
    schools should call the Helpdesk directly for any problem with computers or
    networks. You are still able to call Work Control directly, however, if you
    call the Helpdesk we will log a call and be able to research hardware when
    issues do not get resolved.

     Team Leaders have been identified in each sector of the city. Any issue
    that does not get resolved by the Network Analyst to which it is assigned,
    the issue will be escalated to the Team Leader.

    What is a reasonable time to expect to hear from a Network Analyst before
    calling the Helpdesk to follow up? ~CW said that school users should expect
    to at least hear from a Network Analyst by the end of the next business day.
    This does not necessarily mean that the issue will be resolved the following
    day. The issue should be resolved reasonably within a three-day period.

    There is a new process for documenting IMACs. When calling in problems,
    please call in the Barcode number and the Serial Number. Information
    Services is designing a database to assist with the identification of the
    serial/barcodes. The School District can buy parts for MACs if the serial
    number is available.

    When we buy computers, are we supposed to send a requisition to Purchasing.
    To order Dell computers, all you need to put on the Purchase Order is DELL
    as the vendor, and Basic, Intermediate or Advanced as the description of the
    model. Kathy Davis will then work out the details and the pricing and order
    online. This saves the schools about $100 per order.

    Charlie stated that he would refine the purchasing portion of the
    inside.seattleschools.org purchasing page.

    BTA/Levy Update - John Rowlands
    School construction and remodeling projects should be completed by the dates
    listed in the Technology Levy Update March 2001 (trifold brochure).

    Network connections and telephone installations should be completed 30 days
    after the LAN dates listed on the brochure.

    After the LAN network connections are completed, the student computers will
    be installed per the technology plan for each school.

    There will be Internet access and network wiring to school office and two
    student locations as part of the WAN wiring.

    Classroom computers are determined per the requirements of the school
    technology plan.

    Outlook Update - Charlie Walker
    If the principal has a machine that will support Outlook, encourage the
    principal to move forward to an Outlook account. Outlook will provide users
    with much more functionality and flexibility of use from an email system.
    I.S. is creating an improved process for creating new Outlook/Exchange
    accounts. The forms need to be completed, legible, and signed by the
    principal. The thing that has slowed the process the most has been the
    completion of the account request forms.

    Each school should identify a contact person at the school to coordinate the
    paperwork, distribution of accounts, and coordination of on-site training.

    Exchange/Outlook accounts will only be created for school district

    There is a synchronization problem that has been pointed out on tic-tech.
    This is because we are scanning all email messages for viruses.

    Technology Plan - Judy Margrath-Huge
    We have undertaken an endeavor to plan technology for the District as a
    whole. John Rowlands, Bryce Nelson, Judy Margrath-Huge, and Les Foltos have
    done some research and prepared a draft on where the technology is going
    within the next three years. Judy would like to hear the Forum's feedback
    on the draft of the plan that is going to be presented to the Board of
    Education. This plan has been written around the seven indicators of
    successful technology implementation.

    The plan is an aggressive plan, funding will come from miscellaneous

    The plan could be posted on the inside.seattleschools.org website to allow
    people to respond via email with comments on the plan.

    WSIPC - Jim Page
    The Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (WSIPC) is a public
    agency that provides quality information services at a reasonable cost to
    school districts. WSIPC develops, licenses and maintains software as well
    as provides technical support and network management to school districts.

    Jim Page, a representative from WSIPC, made a presentation and answered
    questions about the Microsoft Select Agreement and the Microsoft School

    Microsoft Select Agreement - Jim Page
    MS Select is a program that allows you to buy the licenses you need. Under
    the Microsoft Select agreement, individual licenses are purchased on a per
    machine basis. For more information, please review the following link:


    Microsoft School Agreement - Jim Page
    The Microsoft School Agreement is a new comprehensive annual
    subscription-licensing program for K-12 customers. As an annual licensing
    program, the School Agreement provides a simple formula for running a broad
    platform of Microsoft products on machines. Schools count the number of
    their eligible machines and pay for licenses for a 12-month period based on
    a tiered price. Under the School Agreement, the school is licensed for all
    upgrades and downgrades during the agreement.

    For more detailed information, please reference the two links listed here:


    Question: Does the MS Office 2000 Professional license include MS
    Answer: Yes, the 2000 Professional license does include MS Access.

    Technology Plan Discussion Session
    Les Foltos and John Rowlands led small group discussion on the proposed
    draft of the Technology Plan for the District. There is a big emphasis on
    professional development and increased technical support.

    The Technology Plan describes how technology will be integrated into the
    school transformation process. As with building-level technology plans, the
    organizing framework is the "Seven Dimensions for Gauging Progress" from the
    Milken Exchange on Educational Technology. Within each of these seven
    dimensions listed below are recent accomplishments, and then initiatives for
    2001-2004, along with timelines and budgets.

    Vision: A world-class, student-focused learning system.

    Mission: Academic achievement for every student in every school,
    producing graduates who are life-long learners.

    Technology Mission: Accelerate the integration of technology in instruction
    and management to increase student academic achievement.

    I. Learners - Students use technology to improve their understanding of
    academic content.
                    1.1 Implement standards-based, integrated, technology
    enriched units of study in the classrooms.
                    1.2 Implement ISTE's National Education Technology
    Standards for students.
                    1.3 Continue implementation of high school Information
    Technology curriculum

    II. Learning Environments: Components of the school environment which
    contribute to learning through the use of technology.
                    2.1 Provide computers and training for teachers.
                    2.2 Develop 21st Century Teaching and Learning System.
                    2.3 Provide email to all district employees.
                    2.4 Ensure that school educational specifications
    accommodate appropriate instructional technology.
                    2.5 Transform school libraries to server as networked
    information resource centers for students and staff.
                    2.6 Provide students with access to communication tools.

    III. Professional Competency - The ability of staff to teach and
    administer through their use of appropriate technology.
                    3.1 Adopt and implement ISTE's National Education
    Technology Standards for teachers, principals and administrative staff.
                    3.2 Implement technology-related hiring standards.
                    3.3 Provide productivity software training for district
                    3.4 Provide administrative software training for
    district employees.
                    3.5 Initiate principal-led expectations that teachers
    will integrate technology into their classroom curriculum.
                    3.6 Provide on-site assistance to schools with
    additional 13 Master Teachers.
                    3.7 Continue to provide all Seattle teachers the
    opportunity to participate in the Teach the Teachers program.
                    3.8 Provide Smart Tools Academy training for all new
    principals, assistant principals, education directors, and key Teaching and
    Learning staff.
                    3.9 Provide teachers with professional development using
    an online teacher's toolbox.
                    3.10 Implement school-based mentoring system on how to
    integrate technology in the curriculum with a .5 FTE per school.
                    3.11 Complete the Rapid Library Transformation Initiative
    to improve the technology skills and redefine the job of librarian.

    IV. System Capacity: The ability of schools and the District to
    systematically reinvent themselves in order to meet the needs of learners.
                    4.1 Review and rewrite the district technology plan
    every three years.
                    4.2 Integrate technology into the school Accelerated
    Academic Achievement Planning.
    4.3 Continue collaboration between Library Services and Teaching and
    Learning to align resources with curriculum
    4.4 Add to Library Services the role of being the information and
    research center for district administration.
                    4.5 Convert the Teacher Resource Center into a
    Professional Library.

    Notes on Group Discussion from Objective 4/System Capacity:
            * Increasing the role of the librarian in the school to
    increase the delivery of service to students. (Objective 4.3)
            * The money must be in place for the objective to be included
    in the Plan.

    V. Community Connections: Technology-related relationships between the
    school and the community which are mutually beneficial and sustainable.
                    5.1 Increase the number of technology-based community
    learning programs.
                    5.2 Develop strategies to provide computers and
    electronic access in homes libraries, and community centers to appropriate
    school information and learning resources.
                    5.3 Collaborate with Seattle Public Library to bring
    increased resources into libraries and classrooms.

    VI. Technology Capacity: Reliable infrastructure, hardware, and support
    to meet the school district's learning goals.
                    6.1 Implement technology support for networks and
                    6.2 Complete the implementation of the District's
    technology infrastructure (networks, classroom wiring, telephones, etc.).
                    6.3 Establish and implement computer replacement plan.
                    6.4 Establish software and security standards for all
    workstations, servers and peripherals.
                    6.5 Create a data warehouse that makes operational
    information available to users.
                    6.6 Replace all legacy technology systems.

    Notes on Discussion of Objective VI/Technology Capacity
            * It is crucial for all teachers to have laptops because they
    are able to take the laptop with them, work from home or the coffee shop,
    will be able to learn to use the machine.
            * The new Student System should provide teachers with the
    ability to view data on students classroom assignments, grades, etc. that is
    online and accessible to teachers.
            * John spoke of developing partnerships with libraries and
    community based organizations to make technology accessible.
            * Keeping the website updated is a challenge.
            * The current Student System only records grades, attendance,
    discipline data. We are hopeful that the new system will provide additional
    functionality for teachers.
            * We will be looking for volunteers to assist with the
    development of the new student system.
            * It was suggested that a school be used as a beta test site
    for software.
            * What do we really need, and what makes sense? Then go fight
    for the money to implement the plan.
            * The .5 Tech Person would be in addition to the school's
    network analyst. It could be a U-wired student or a teacher that teaches
            * Every classroom will be networked, each room will have
    student/teacher computers, telephones.
            * Part of the new plan would include replacing all the
    computers in a building in a cyclical fashion (i.e., every 3-4 years).
    Equipment will be replaced every 3-4 years.. The old computers could then
    be recycled to the students for home use.
            * Currently we are doing this on a check out basis. Licensing
    is an issue. There is no official program, but if individual schools would
    like to pilot the program, this would be embraced.
            * Group was really glad to see that 6.3 is on the plan.
            * Security protocols need to be enforced through the plan. It
    is very important.
            * New Student Information System 6.6 with a more appropriate,
    easier to understand sytem for student data, including student assignment,
    transportation, SIS, SRR, etc.
            * As we move forward with all of this, how to keep a measure
    of whether it is working? The Plan will be outcomes based. We will keep
    track of what we are doing to identify weaknesses and continually improve
    the process/Plan.

    VII. Accountability: Agreement on what success with technology looks
    like, measures in place to track progress, and report results.
                    7.l Measure the use of technology using Taglit data,
    tracking progress of Tech Plan, and report on uptime of network and
                    7.2 Create a long term funding strategy.
                    7.3 Create a technology advisory committee to monitor
    the technology infrastructure projects and the deployment of new
    productivity tools.
                    7.4 Establish and maintain District-wide policies and
    guidelines for technology resources at the school and classroom levels
    necessary to ensure equity of access by all students within and among

    Notes on Discussion of Objective VII/Accountability
            * The SSD will have all schools on the Plan. This will
    improve the ability for students to transfer to other schools and have the
    ability to move on at a steady pace. Standards of what students will learn
    will be implemented across the district to enable transferability.

            * The groups were encouraged to provide their feedback to John
    Rowlands, Les Foltos, and Charlie Walker.

            * The suggestion was made that a District-wide license for
    software be purchased. The school's budget can't always afford to go on the
    School Agreement. The expectation is that students will have skills, the
    schools need to do what is necessary to develop those skills.

            * Would a District-wide license drive the license even
    further? Yes it would definitely lower the cost.

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

    Lesley Woodcock
    Helpdesk Staff

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