--- TIC-TECH message:
You might try having a public folder on the server that the students can
save their scanned picture to and then they can bring it up on another
machine and edit it any way they want. That doesn't solve the one scanner
problem but provides easy access after the scan. You could also teach some
kids who understand the process do all the scanning and drop the pictures in
the appropriate grade folders.(pictures could have grade level marked on the
back of the picture)
Susan Jenkins
-----Original Message-----
From: Henderson, John [mailto:jhenderson@seattleschools.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 5:00 PM
To: TIC-TECH@tic.ssd.k12.wa.us
Subject: Tic-Tech: scanning family photographs for class projects
--- TIC-TECH message:
Hello Tic-Tech,
I'd love advice on how to handle the bottleneck created when...
a librarian (me)...
tries to help a classroom of students (fourth-graders)...
each do their own PowerPoint slide shows (25 kids) ...
about where their family immigrated from (17 different countries)...
featuring family photos (priceless)...
and the library has only 1 (one) ...
For a long list of reasons, the teacher didn't want the class to do this
project in the classroom, one kid at a time. We have enough computers in
the library that kids could work in partners on other aspects of their
presentations while they waited for their turn at the scanner. But scanning
is slow, and kids could only do so much before they got impatient.
I had a few minutes before the class showed up that I could have used to
scan some of the photos in groups of four or five. Then kids could have
found their photos in a file marked "fourth grade photos," or something
appropriate, and we would have saved some time.
But is there a better way?
John Henderson
Van Asselt
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