--- TIC-TECH message:
Between now and mid-May, the telephone company will be doing maintenance on
many of our network data circuits. The work will be done between 4:00 a.m.
and 7:00 a.m. each morning. Each circuit will be out of service for about 15
minutes during the maintenance window. All circuits should be back in
operation by 7:00a.m.
Each day we will post a list of the sites that will be affected by
maintenance being performed the following day. The list will be available on
the status page of the Inside SeattleSchools web site
(inside.seattleschools.org/status). If your school or site is not listed, it
will not be affected by the maintenance being done on the listed day.
Judy McNamee
Manager, Computer Operations
Seattle Public Schools
Voice: 206-252-0306
Fax: 206-252-0301
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