--- TIC-TECH message:
One of the problems with the conversion over to the Exchange e-mail system
is that a lot of peoples' e-mail name will change. Previous users of the
VAX e-mail system will almost always have the same e-mail name, but most
cks users will have different one. For, the none VAX users, the e-mail
name will be the first initial, middle initial, and last name. So, it will
be harder to guess another teachers e-mail name. You might guess that John
Smith would be jsmith except that we need his middle initial and I boubt
that many of us know the middle names of a lot of our colleges. So,
translating an e-mail address from cks to seattleschools.org is harder than
just changing "cks.ssd.k12.wa.us" to "seattleschools.org".
Fortunately, it is easy inside the new Exchange e-mail system to
find/confirm a users' new e-mail name, but it is hard to just rewrite their
old address to their new address. This is made even harder from the fact
that cks e-mail names were never created under a single set of rules.
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