--- TIC-TECH message:
I have been trying for a year now to find a way to convert a video in VHS
analog format to a digital video format. Up till now the only ways suggested
have been expensive, either buying specialized computer equipment or going
to a video service company. The other night I was given a simple and
inexpensive alternative.
All you have to use is a digital video camera and connect it to a VCR with
your tape and record on to the camera. The quality of the picture will not
be enhanced, but it will not degrade and you can put into your computer.
The problem I have is that my school, nor I, own a digital video camera. I
am asking if anyone does have access to a digital video camera who can
convert my VHS tape into digital format.
Please email me at rvargas@cks.ssd.k12.wa.us or call me at Van Asselt
elementary, (206-760-4760) ext. 143.
Ricardo Vargas
5th grade teacher
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