--- TIC-TECH message:
Hi All,
It's been over 12 days since the last tech forum, where supposedly
critical information was distributed. There has been no information
sent to those who did not attend - at least not on this list or the
district web site.
My school has been waiting to hear about the approval (or not) of our
resubmitted tech plan - for way too long, after repeated requests for
Our building server has arrived (bought by our PTSA), with no direction
from tech folks about what to do with it. After buying it and sending
in our suggestions for directory structure, we have heard nothing.
There has been a new leader of IT appointed - I think. I hear about it
only as gossip.
The state of things is not good. To any who distribute information
about technology, please remember:
- over half of Seattle schools do not have a paid "tech person"
- informing principals or librarians does not ensure anyone else hears
the information
Sorry for the rant, folks. At my school, the tech program is run by
regular classroom teachers, who have no idea what is going on in certain
tech circles downtown. Hard hats go on in our building June 26th, and
then we get a new principal :)
Please share information. - Mark
Mark Ahlness
Teacher, grade three at:
Arbor Heights Elementary School
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