-tictech message:
Seattle Public Schools
Technology Forum
February 28, 2002
Teach the Teacher Project
Eric Caldwell made an announcement about the Teach the Teacher applications.
Applications were made available at the meeting. This year the each program
participant will pay $150.00 to participate in the program. Applications
have been sent to the teachers. The applications are due on March 25, 2002.
Priority will be given to certificated staff. Gates Foundation money can
cover the $150.00 out-of-pocket cost.
Teacher Leadership Project
Eric Caldwell also announced that the Teacher Leadership Project (TLP)
recipients will be announced next month.
Microsoft Licensing
Heidi Felker, Microsoft Corporation, attended the Forum to talk about
Microsoft Licensing and clear up any misunderstanding about licensing
changes. There was a question and answer period.
How can a school purchase software licenses currently?
Microsoft has three ways for schools to buy licenses right now. There are
two ways allow schools to purchase perpetual licenses: Academic Select and
Upgrade Advantage.
How is Microsoft able to provide discounts on software licensing to schools?
Microsoft has developed a partnership with WSIPC to reduce the cost of
software licenses.
What other method is available for schools to process licenses?
The third vehicle available for software licensing is Microsoft School
Agreement, which allows schools to purchase a license as a subscription.
Basically, it is an annual fee that the school or District pays based on the
number of machines in the building or at the site. A copy of the license
under School Agreement about $25.00 per license which would give you MS
Office XP Professional for MAC and PC for one year. The annual fee provides
you with the upgrade to the OS and Office for one year. The cost is
approximately $40.00 per year for both.
Why should schools participate in MS School Agreement in lieu of purchasing
a perpetual license?
For schools that upgrade every 4 to six years, Academic Select is probably
the option.
For schools that want to upgrade every two to three years, it is more
economical to purchase the School Agreement.
Are there any anticipated changes to the software licensing agreements?
There will be a minor change to Academic Select and School Agreement coming.
The change will simplify the process. Microsoft will start selling the
latest version and licensing the latest version. As a result, Upgrade
Advantage is going away.
On July 31st, Upgrade Advantage will be discontinued. Effective August 1,
2002, the only insurance available will be Software Assurance. Software
Assurance will get school licenses current and keep them current.
What software is available on new machines that the District is purchasing?
All new machines coming into the District are loaded with Windows 2000 and
Office 2000. Office 2000 Standard is loaded on student machines and Office
2000 Professional is loaded on new teacher machines.
Windows 2000 Migration
The Network Operations Center is almost done moving resources from Montana
to Seattleschools. Schools are now able to edumail or webmail, it no longer
matters which site they access. The Migration has made it possible for
Operations to support Windows 2000 servers at the schools. If you are
interested in migrating your school's servers to Windows 2000 on the
Seattleschools domain, schools should contact their network analyst to set
up that support. Before coming on board on the Seattleschools domain,
Operations is asking schools to try to consolidate multiple servers at
school to one server.
Windows 2000 gives us more control over the desktop; it is more reliable
than Windows NT and Windows 9x.
Purchasing Computers and Servers
It is critically important now that you do NOT buy servers without going
through an outside vendor. Our standard servers are Dell and Compaq.
Schools were also advised to be careful when purchasing Windows 2000
workstation boxes because of compatibility issues.
Dell Punch Out
The Dell punch out is now available online on B2B. Schools may use the new
online resource. Contact the purchasing person at school. The purchase
orders go directly to Dell, and expedite the process. Every time there is a
price change, B2B will be updated and the pricing will be real time.
Under no circumstances should you order LINUX on the machines.
Purchasing Dell Computers for Home Use
Anne Girvin, Maple, asked about the Dell code to have for individual
purchases of machines for home use. Charlie Walker will contact the sales
representative at Dell and acquire the code.
Classroom Workstation Project Update
There will be a file and print server at each school as part of the
classroom workstation project. Each file and print server will have enough
space to cover maintaining student accounts; there will be no storage space
on the server. Somebody at the school will have to maintain and create
student accounts. If it is a Seattleschools member server, you will be able
to assign the servers resources however you want. Storage for students has
not been addressed yet.
Member Servers on the Seattleschools Domain
Information Services would like each school to become part of the
Seattleschools domain as an organizational unit. Individual PDC's can then
go away. Becoming a Seattleschools domain member server will enable schools
to manage the domain from any Windows 2000 workstation.
Neil Rockwell, Mercer, would like to migrate, and is eagerly waiting to make
this happen. Information Services will conduct an evaluation at every
school that they go to, and will take the necessary measures to facilitate
the migration as soon as the school is ready.
What is the purpose of the file and print server?
The file and print server will serve as the home directory for each of the
teachers, and will also allow for roaming profiles for teachers. The PDC at
the Network Operations Center will authenticate the username and password,
everything else is pushed down to the file and print server at the school.
Profile configurations will be housed on the local file and print server.
Will we be able to set the server up for FTP also?
There will be very limited services available on the server.
John Rowlands discussed the Internet bandwidth for the District. He
explained that the bottleneck has moved to the four T1 lines leaving the
District to the University of Washington, which is slowing Internet
connectivity. He has requested that the Seattle Schools be allowed to use
the Internet 2 capabilities through the University of Washington. There has
been no formal response from the UW.
The good news is the Bess Proxy is no longer slowing down Internet access
Summer Training Programs
A request was made for training program this summer. The funding for summer
technology training is not available due to recent budget cuts. Charlie
Walker will explore the summer technology training options.
U Wired
Information Services is considering expanding the U-Wired program and
expanding technical support to high school programs. Please send Charlie
Walker your comments.
Information Services is not part of the District's buy back plan. Charlie
Walker will not be expanding services to schools. IS will not be doing a
charge back method this coming year.
Apple Presentation
Dan McFetridge gave a presentation of new products available from Apple. He
gave a demonstration on the new flat screen Imac.
Do the Apple computers have to go back to the factory for repair?
Dan asked that schools please coordinate with Charlie on the correct
procedures. Everything the District purchases comes with AppleCare.
Currently, Apple systems are loaded with both OS9 and OS10.
Dan McFetridge would like to create training programs out at the schools.
Apple would like to address some of the concerns about Apple not being
network friendly.
Kirk Godfredson gave some perspective on Mac operating systems. Every Mac
since August has OS9 and OS10. If you are really concerned about students
getting into OS10 now, simply put OS10 in the trash. The only way it can
be reinstalled is using a CD. There are ways of locking down workstations
with OS9.
Student Computers
The Levy Team is planning on inventorying all computers by the end of this
month. As part of that, the Levy Team is examining at purchasing all the
1:5 student to computer ratio by the end of summer.
Classroom Workstation Pilot Project
The pilot of workstation on March 25, 2002. Schools signed up for training
in anticipation of the deployment of classroom workstations.
How does a school find out where they are on the deployment schedule?
The Levy Team has been putting together a schedule. Close to publishing
that schedule. Plan on publishing on website.
John Hay has not received any correspondence yet on the Classroom
Workstation Project. Greg asked if he could be designee for principal on
this project.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted to Tic Tech by:
Lesley Woodcock
Systems Support Trainer
Information Services Helpdesk
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