-tictech message:
Here is the latest description of the ET position, from David Engle. Thanks
to Wes Felty for getting the ball rolling on this.
Mark Ahlness
Building Educational Technologists [This position is a year-to-year
The purpose of this position is to provide at least one person in each
school building who will provide basic support for the expanded use of
technology in that building's classrooms by his/her colleagues. This person
will be the contact person in the building for system-wide communication and
educational technology professional development initiatives. This person
will work with their building's data team (more information about this team
will be provided at the first ET meeting in October). This role is intended
to provide a communication, coordination and support link both within each
building and with the larger Seattle Public Schools system. Online support
resources will be developed and put on inside.seattleschools.org in order to
support the work of the Educational Technologists.
Each Educational Technologist will commit to:
· attending 7 two-hour Seattle Public Schools Educational Technology Team
meetings (calendar included in this document) over the course of the school
year (14 hours paid). These meetings are Professional Development and
Leadership Training opportunities.
· providing building-level educational technology leadership
· arranging for first-tier technology support (as defined by support matrix)
· coordination of site-based, instructionally focused technology training
for colleagues at building level (based on building's technology and
transformation plans)
· coordination of the building-level data team where applicable...high
will be developing these teams first (this initiative is still in the
planning stages)
IT Master Teachers will team up with the Educational Technologists at their
assigned buildings as they provide support for the following goal:
Critical training for the development and dissemination of standards-based,
integrated, technology enriched units of study and to assist classroom
teachers in the implementation of these tech-enriched units.
$1518 Elementary stipend (1 per Elementary and Middle School building)
$1715 Secondary stipend (2 per large High Schools: Ballard, Franklin,
Garfield and Roosevelt. 1 per smaller High School programs.)
[These stipends will be increased 3.6% to reflect COLA]
Selection process:
The Principal, working with the Building Leadership Team or other
appropriate advisory group (i.e. technology committee, instructional
council, staff senate etc.), will select the Building Educational
Technologist(s). Selection consideration should be given to candidates who
have successfully participated in the following training program(s):
· Teach the Teachers Program
· Teacher Leadership Project
· Rapid Library Transformation Initiative through the University of
Washington (Librarians)
· Intel's Teach the Teachers Program
· Puget Sound Center's Technology Coaching Initiative
or to candidates who have demonstrated leadership and skill in the use of
technology in their instructional program (network analyst recommendations
will be provided upon request).
The overall goal of this technology support program is:
To develop and support a team of well-trained teacher-leaders in every
school in the district that is better prepared to infuse appropriate
technologies throughout the K-12 curriculum and is able to arrange for the
resolution of Tier 1 technology support issues at the building level.
Meeting calendar [time after school and meeting place(s) to be determined]:
October 17th (Lincoln auditorium)
November 21st (Lincoln auditorium)
[Negotiations are continuing to see if we can use The John Stanford Center
for Educational Excellence auditorium for these first two meetings. This
will be resolved by Monday, October 14. If there is a change in venue from
Lincoln, notification will go out on Monday.]
(The John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence auditorium will be the
location for the remainder of these meetings)
December 19th
January 16th
March 20th
April 17th
May 15th
4-6 P.M.
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