tictech: The new "SSD Technology Exchange"

From: Rockwell, Neil (nrockwell@seattleschools.org)
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 09:57:51 PDT

  • Next message: Crozier, Kevin: "tictech: word to webpage - fixing the quote marks - any help?"

    -tictech message:

    Well, after numerous positive replies, I am launching my idea of a venue
    where we can redistribute our surplus hardware and software within the
    district. I have built the skeleton of a website and am fleshing it
    out. I would like some suggestions from "you". Please comment on the

    1. I am leaning toward a system where individuals can post their own
    offerings and communicate with each other directly, with me staying out
    of the loop myself. I would manage the system and administer the

    2. I've been looking at bulletin board systems.

    3. There are many commercial sites that host these for a fee.

    4. The district web server does not run the required scripting. The
    district would like provide some database storage and scripting in the
    form of JSP, ASP or a similar scripting language. It's not available
    now though. It won't be available soon due their loss of staff.

    5. In a perfect world, I would have an Apache web server running a SQL
    Database with PHP or ASP scripting. I don't though.

    6. Do "You" have any ideas or knowledge of a free bulletin board host?

    7. Do "You" have a web server that can run a script driven bulletin
    board system?

    Any and all suggestions are welcome.



    Neil Rockwell
    Technology Coordinator
    Asa Mercer Middle School
    Seattle Public Schools

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