--- TIC-TECH message:
Rules of the Road for Tic-Tech (as of May 1, 2001). This document is
distributed to members on the first of every month.
Happy May Day!
Tic-Tech is a forum for the discussion and sharing of technology related
education issues in Seattle and beyond. Messages to tic-tech fall into
four general categories:
1) Distribution of information - timely information critical to the
technology infrastructure of Seattle's schools
2) Requests for information - asking for help, advice, or feedback on any
number of technical or instructional issues
3) Sharing - letting list members know what's going on in classrooms,
great web sites, hardware/software reviews, educational technology in
general, and so on
4) Discussion and debate - of any of the above topics, to include
questions, elaboration, suggestions, etc.
Messages submitted to the list are approved by the moderator before they
are distributed to subscribers.
There is a web site for Tic-Tech with lots of useful information about
the list: http://fp.seattleschools.org/fpclass/tic-tech/ This address
appears at the end of every Tic-Tech message.
List messages are archived on the web at There is a link to this
archive from the Tic-Tech on the Web site. Messages can be sorted by date,
author, subject, or thread - really handy for looking though recent
conversations in order, seeing who has written lately, reading that
message deleted too quickly, etc. It is also real easy to respond to the
poster of a message from this interface.
Posting and Replying Guidelines:
1. Your name and email address must be included in messages posted to
tic-tech. Not only is it good etiquette and a nice courtesy, it makes
life a lot easier for those who would like to respond personally to you.
While not absolutely necessary, including your location and/or position is
also helpful to list readers.
2. When replying to someone's message, include enough of the original
message so people will know exactly what you're responding to. Do NOT
include the entire original message (we've already read it once), just
enough so folks remember what the original question or point was.
3. Not allowed: attachments, commercial advertisements, profanity,
political agendas, flames, personal attacks, etc.
4. Please post messages in plain text only. For Exchange/Outlook users,
go to "Format", and then "Plain Text" before sending.
5. To SEND a message to Tic-Tech, email to tic-tech@tic.ssd.k12.wa.us
6. Be aware that a normal REPLY will go to the whole Tic-Tech list. It is
certainly possible to reply to only the sender - just be sure the address
you want is in the "To" field.
Joining and Leaving:
If you want to join the list, leave the list, or change your subscription
from one email account to another, please email Mark Ahlness at
All of the above are explained in much more invigorating detail at the
Tic-Tech on the Web site at http://fp.seattleschools.org/fpclass/tic-tech/
Remember May 13th - Moderator Mark
Mark Ahlness
Teacher, grade three at:
Arbor Heights Elementary School
- End TIC-TECH message. To join, leave, or visit
the message archive, go to Tic-Tech on the Web:
This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue May 01 2001 - 19:20:54 PDT