--- TIC-TECH message:
Regarding creating multiple user accounts, It is simplified by using an old
NT 4 utility called "NT USER WIZARD". I downloaded it from Microsoft a few
years ago, yet I could not find it in my last search. I don't believe it is
offered and certainly hasn't been updated. Even so, I have it and could
email it to whoever desires it.
It's main benefit is to enable one to create multiple user accounts rapidly.
I can create 850 user accounts in about two minutes. This is actually not
exactly completely true. I first get a "CSV" file of all my students from
A&S. I massage the info for each student, having their 1) username 2)first
name 3)last name 4)password 5) description in the order I desire. The User
Wizard then whips through the list, creating the users and setting up their
home directories.
Neil I. Rockwell
Technology Coordinator
Asa Mercer Middle School
Seattle School District
-----Original Message-----
From: John Keithly [mailto:jkeithly@halcyon.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 8:10 PM
To: TIC-TECH@tic.ssd.k12.wa.us
Subject: Tic-Tech: A Better Proxy Solution (Was Slow Internet Access
--- TIC-TECH message:
I don't think the school district web server nor
the N2H2 server make any determination as to whom
they are serving. But they could. For example, staff/faculty elevated
access rights to the Internet could be contingent on the same logon/password
which we use to gain access to the district email server.
As for student logons, as you say, it would presently
be more difficult to distinguish what access rights to
give them since few students have individual logon/password privileges
except for those attending e.g. high school business classes. However, I do
believe setting up individual student accounts should be a goal for our
district since it does have a number of distinct advantages not the least of
which is the ability to individually audit each student's computer
activities. In my experience the ability to audit activities does tend to
make students much more responsible in using their time on computers.
Setting up individual student accounts is an onerous task
and may not be an acceptable chore without adequate local technical staff
but it can also give students individual folders for their files and it does
give them the ability to share information in electronic fashion more easily
than as an anonymous "nobody".
--John Keithly
Ballard High School
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